I may not love teaching all the time but I do love my students as I have showcased several times on my blog. It is nearing the end of the year and my students will be going to grade one in January. When I first got my 6 students, they could barely recognize the letters of the alphabet, didn't know the days of the week and were generally trouble makers. After a year working with them on phonics, behavior, empathy, critical thinking and tons of other things I am so proud of where they are today. I do love working with kids, I love their honest views on the world and seeing how they use all the new information they are constantly processing.
We went to a temple school in our area to visit with some students who are not spoiled rich like mine... they were pretty cute. |
During our quiet time today, as I was working at my desk, I heard them reading a book together on the mat. Like really, actually, truly reading words. We learned about rhyming this week and they were able to read Hop on Pop on their own, recognizing the words, knowing the sounds of each letter and sounding it out, doing it all themselves! I was in shock! I couldn't believe they could do it on their own and they are genuinely excited about and love reading! Reading is something I have loved from a young age and I am so happy I can help instill this wonderful pastime in the younger generation, especially when most kids these days would rather be playing on their ipad...
Anyway, I am so beyond happy with how hard they have worked (and me too, I worked my ass off!) and can't believe how big they are getting and how fast they are growing! They aren't even my children but I feel like I know them so well and it is amazing to watch them learn about the world and develop their own sense of self. Teaching may not be my passion, but helping others is and I can think of no better job for that than teaching little people how to be decent and well rounded human beings.
This is a (pretty funny) video of my students READING. They really do amaze me!
I love how they all look up at me after each page searching for approval. Some of it might be from memory and might not be totally correct but I only read it to them once and they are getting the used to reading, which is the first step! Teaching abroad is never something I planned but it is always the things we don't plan that end up being unexpectedly awesome and change you forever.
On another note, I am also very proud today to be Go Abroad's Blog of the Week! Such an amazing write up about my blog and I am so honored to be on their amazing website. They have tons of information about living abroad, please check it out if living abroad appeals to you even a little bit, there are so many ways to do it! Thanks again to everyone that reads my blog, I appreciate your support more than you know! Have a lovely weekend friends :)
Wonderful post! I share your feelings about teaching - I only chose to do it because it's an easy way to travel and make money at the same time, not because it's a career I want to pursue. It's frustrating some days, but more often, I'm happily surprised by how much I enjoy watching the kids learn and grow. If nothing else, there's never a dull moment!
ReplyEllie!! You are the BEST TEACHER!! This is the cutest thing I have seen all day...major props to you :)
Replyhaha thanks naomi! they are exhausting but super adorbs. teaching is nothing if not rewarding!
Replythats for sure, they really keep you moving! We are so lucky to have the opportunity to teach while we live abroad and I am so glad I am able to do what I do, but I do wonder what it feels like to have conversations with adults all day.. i bet just as annoying :) thanks for the comment Jessica!