... my favorite 6th grader from last year just came back to visit me in his cute little middle school uniform and brought me chocolate for white day. (A holiday like Valentines day in Korea but it is on March 14th and the men buy chocolate for the women; it is opposite for Valentines day and I spent a small fortune on Eric, now its my turn:) He told me about his new school and the girls that talk too much behind him. He does not have the best English and he gets nervous talking sometimes, but he tries harder than everyone and I totally adore him! Just can't get over that tie and gold buttoned coat! I gave him a pencil case as a graduation present (don't tell the other kids I told him, hehe, whoops!) and he told me it was his favorite. It pretty much made all the dumb shit I have to deal with at this school some days totally worth it:)
On another note, experienced a bit of culture shock yesterday when I went to my new gym's yoga class. It is a totally different experience when you have no idea what the instructor is saying. I have done yoga for many years now so it wasn't hard to follow along, but thank goodness it's "down dog" in every language. I was getting frustrated at the lack of difficulty as we sat in lotus for 15+ minutes of the class, but was relieved to learn it was a "soft yoga" class and power yoga is on Wednesday. Of course it didn't say that anywhere on the schedule...
[in case anyone is interested, the gym we joined is called NineGym, it is next to the Mister Donut, of course, out exit 2 of Seoul National University on Line 2. It is very reasonable for Korea - I paid 280,000 for 6 months with Group Exercise. Korean Gyms are also fabulous because they provide clean gym clothes, socks, locker to keep your shoes, water and a personal trainer to keep up with your progress. Highly Recommended]

Oh man. I went to a hot yoga class at this new studio in my neighborhood and it was hilarious. Definitely the only whitey there and couldn't understand a WORD, though I did learn 'inhale,' 'exhale,' and 'bellybutton' ;)